Monday, October 5, 2009

How Quickly They Grow Up

It's been one week!!  Before Brett and Magdalena were born, I said I had no interest in dressing them alike.  Now I get upset at feeding time if even their bibs aren't matching.  Here is a photo of the kids in their outfits today.  

The kiddos had their first doctor's appointment today.  It was really just a weigh-in to see if they have gained some weight.  Indeed, they have plumped up and soon will be back at their birth weights.  Their feeding progress is astounding.  Maggie is a sleepy head, and for several days we could barely keep her awake to feed her.  Therefore, it was no surprise on Saturday when the home nurse visited that she hadn't gained weight since leaving the hospital.  Brett gained a practically negligible amount of weight from discharge to home nurse visit.  However, this was puzzling because he's a voracious ChickenWolf* with an unending appetite.

Mags had a breakthrough over the weekend, and went from being a poor nurser (too sleepy) and slow bottle feeder to nursing like a champ.  Brett continues to suck away. They each gained a few ounces since Saturday.  Great news.

They now tandem feed at the breast. That's right, that means two babies eating at the same time, just like a litter of puppies.  I can even burp one while the other one continues to eat.  It's adorable, and I'd love to post a picture, but I fear censure by the FCC just like those La Leche League videos that were removed from YouTube.  That and it's probably not wise to post topless photos of myself on the Internet. Also, because they were getting formula supplementation at the hospital, they are familiar with bottles, and I just introduced the pacifier yesterday to help soothe at diaper changes. No nipple confusion for these kids.  At lunchtime today, the two grandmas fed them bottles of pumped milk while I took a nap!

*As so many people are asking us what a ChickenWolf is, we may have to have a blog post soon explaining the legend of the ChickenWolf and how to catch a ChickenWolf.


  1. wow, Erin, you are a champ!!!! And yes, we demand to know the story of the Chickenwolf. I do enjoy "BurritoMan" and "Tamale Lady" . Just keep Brian away in case he tried to dip them in nacho cheese


    Like Baker's shirt says, "Who Wants Burritos?!?"
