Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Another New Addition to the House

First of all, I'd like to give a shout-out to Tim and Liz. They came over on Sunday night to meet the babies.  They helped feed and play with the babies (woot), they brought us Little Star Pizza and delicious homemade cookies (woot woot), and they got us some really cool coasters made out of the centers of record albums (woot woot woot).

Why the excitement over coasters? Because just before Tim and Liz came over, Dan finally finished the end table he'd been building over the last few months.  We wanted something to go between the couch and the rocker, you know, for bottles, beverages and the remote control, but we hadn't seen anything the right size. Having already purchased some minor tools to build Lola's ramp up to our bed in the Spring, Dan decided he was going to build the table himself.  I'll admit, I was skeptical at first, especially as each weekend brought new trips to various hardware stores for more tools and supplies, but the end product is just gorgeous.  It's walnut with a magazine rack made of bamboo from our backyard.  I love my new table. And I'm so proud of Dan.

And of course I can't have a blog post without a baby photo.  Here is Lola letting Magdalena hold her paw.


  1. hee hee i love the picture of little Lola. is she happy? scared? curious why someone else's paw is as small as hers? cute!

  2. I'd also like to add...sheesh, Tim and Liz!!! Short of winning the lottery and then donating all the winnings to the kids' college funds, no one will top you two as Best Berthiaume Baby Friends.

  3. Mike just asked me who the "guy holding Dan and Erin's baby and Lola" is. I just informed him it is Dan, with facial hair! Haha!
