This is a picture of Brett eating pizza. And true Potrero Hill boy that he is, it's from Goat Hill.
Wait a second, you might be thinking, Bretty can't eat pizza! YES HE CAN!! Brett had skin and blood tests at the allergist a few weeks ago, and he has outgrown his milk allergy!! He's still allergic to eggs and peanuts, but this is a huge step, and he enjoyed his pizza. So did Maggie. She ate two pieces.
Speaking of Maggie, that little girl can EAT. And she eats just about everything. Today, for example, she ate fruit and flaxy raisin bran, part of a bagel, hummus, cheese, an entire container of Whole Foods butternut squash salad, broccoli quesadilla, green beans, avocado, beans, and dried cherries.
Brett, on the other hand, can be picky. He refused lunch and dinner, and basically ate nothing but hummus all day. He did take a little bit of my toast off my plate this morning, and here he is with his dear friend Lola, who is trying to steal it from him.
Brett has learned how to say the letter L. He's pretty young to be able to do it, but it's hilarious. His favorite words are baLL, appLe, and LoLa. He found a little tennis ball that belongs to the dog, and he started calling it "ball Lola," which is quite a mouthful for a little boy.
Grandma put a pair of mittens on Maggie yesterday. She loved them. She calls them "mimims" and wants to wear them all the time. I'll try to get a picture of her in them tomorrow.
This post goes out to Great Aunt Donna and Great Uncle Tom, who sent me something very thoughtful and very appreciated today. Thank you!
Do you think it will be much longer until Maggie can say Auntie LiLi? That's the way niece Katy used to say it when she was Maggie's age!! Thinking of you all with love. L&J
ReplyDeleteOoppss! So sorry! I meant Bretty! :0)
ReplyDeleteLesLie should definitely be next on Brett's vocab list. then LesLie can introduce him to the finer points of triple cream Brie and crackers. I'm sure mom and dad won't mind trying to clean smeared oozy cheese off of him!