Sunday, March 27, 2011

Just A Little Off The Front

Brett Berthiaume is known for his trademark shaggy blonde mop. But when it's time, it's time. So yesterday, just days short of his 18 month birthday, Bretty got his first professional haircut.

We didn't go overboard. Just a little off the front. In fact, when we showed up for his appointment at Snippety Crickets (yup... that's what it's called) Mommy asked the barber to just trim his bangs. But the nice Russian barber replied "it look like mullet" and so we agreed to let her blend the sides a little bit. We left the back alone.

Brett was a well behaved boy and remains a great looking man. His sister came along for moral support. We think she's still a few months away from her first cut. They both earned lolly pops for being such great kids.

1 comment:

  1. Great-uncle John got a haircut yesterday, too, but he didn't look near as handsome as Bretty! Maybe he needs a Russian barber, too! LOL Auntie Li
