That's the beginning of a song Dan sings about Mags. I'd like to explain some things about Magdalena and share some photos to show how cute she is.
1. Maggie likes to kick her legs. A lot. She always kicks her socks off. If she's awake, she's kicking her legs.
2. Maggie's favorite place in the whole world is the changing table. Any changing table. I thought she just liked the one at home because there are puppies on the wall and in the chandelier, but she loved the one in Phoenix as well, and the only thing to look at there is my law school graduation photo.
3. Mags also loves ceiling fans, and of course, her best friend, the painting above our couch. She spends a lot of time each day cooing at the painting.
4. Magdalena has lots of thick, dark hair at the base of her skull, and also some hair on the sides. She had a bit of hair on top when she was born, but it all fell out and she had a shiny chrome dome. While we were in Phoenix, Maggie's head was like a Chia Pet. You could actually see a difference in hair growth from morning to night each day. She'll have long, flowing locks in no time.
5. When Maggie is asleep, she's almost impossible to wake up.
6. Mags likes to stare at things. She has big blue eyes and uses them to stare intently.
Coming tomorrow: the 411 on Brett.
Bonus photo of the day: Another sleeping photo. They were still tired when I unwrapped them from their swaddles.
Does Dan sing that song in his best Bill Shatner voice?