Brett at 10 days old. Same pants, same football.
Maggie today.
Maggie at 10 days old. Same spoon. Those pants are way too small now.
And here are lots more pictures!
Last week, the babies got a special visitor from Boston -- Auntie Sara. She brought the kids books and read to them!
We went to visit the babies' friends Lucas and Shayna this weekend. Well, someday they'll be friends. Anyway, Shayna let Brett try out her exersaucer. Look at the busy boy!
Lola supervises as Maggie does tummy time and Brett stares at himself in a hanging mirror.
Finally, the babies are moving around a lot in their sleep. We have a positioner for Brett so he stays relatively put. Looks like Maggie needs one, too -- their heads were both at the top of the crib when they went to sleep!
Wow! I made the blog. I am pretty excited. The only defense I ahve for not having straight hair or make-up is that I do not want to detract from the cuteness of hte babies! It was so great to see all of you. I hope Christmas is a blast in DC.