Sunday, September 13, 2009

Ten Of Everything: Redskins Gear

Football season starts in earnest today. We're expecting the twins to arrive any second now, too. When they do, those two newest Redskins fans will have plenty of chances to show their team spirit.

Big thanks to Uncle Jason and Jennifer for the lion share of this gear. Hail to the Redskins!


  1. Egads, man! What a terrible performance by the Skins.

    Campbell was my afterthought backup to McNabb in FFB. I may have to ride him vs. StL and Det, until McNabb gets healthy.

    Love the Hog-Mobile. I think I may get one for my bedroom, so I can dream of better days.

  2. I think that mobile might scare the children.

  3. Come to think of it Megan, I think that team might scare the children.

    I plan on bringing all that Redskins gear to Goodwill as soon as we're home from the hospital. No sense letting them wear any of it as I'm sure the neighbors would just call Child Protective Services on us.

    No, I'm not bitter about yesterday's game.
