Friday, September 18, 2009

The Babies Who Refuse to be Born

A quick status update on when to expect the new arrivals:
Apparently they have decided to save us some diaper and day care costs and will not be arriving until 2014 just in time for kindergarten.

My full-term twin date is two days from now, the 20th of September.  That's 37 weeks, 3 weeks shy of full-term for a single baby.  I've been on modified bedrest (not going to work, sitting or laying much of the day and rarely leaving the house) since 32-and-a-half weeks at the doctor's urging, in the hopes of preventing a premature birth and avoiding NICU stays.

The hospital policy with twins is to induce labor at 38 weeks for twins, because past that point the placentas start to decay and it's better for the babies outside the womb than in.  We have an induction scheduled for Sunday, September 27th.  It appears these babies are waiting for their eviction notice.  I had an appointment with my regular doctor earlier this week, and I spent some time in the labor and delivery ward today (although unfortunately engaged in neither labor nor delivery, but they did feed me a good lunch).  The unanimous consensus of all four doctors who saw me this week is that the odds of the babies being born before they are induced are slim to none.

So mark your calendars for the 27th.

p.s. The purpose of this posting is not only to keep our loyal readers informed, but also to jinx the doctors' predictions by reducing them to writing and publishing them for all the world to see.  I'm still hoping that my preferred date of delivery (September 21 or ASAP!) pulls a Mine That Bird.  Let's all root for the longshot.


  1. Did you have to look up the "Mine That Bird" reference? Either way, impressive. This loyal reader appreciates the updates!

  2. We went to a Kentucky Derby party at our friend Roobz's house. Roobz took Mine That Bird (along with a few other horses) after everyone else had placed their bets so every square was picked. What an exciting race. The host felt terrible winning the pot at his own party. Roobz just won big at the Del Mar tracks, too. He's got luck with the ponies. This also reminds me that I've missed out on his mint juleps at least twice now, being a preggo and all. Will have to try one at some point.

  3. i'll admit it--I had no idea what the "Mine that Bird" reference meant. Thanks for the clarification. Thankfully, Ruben's sports prowess does not extend to football since I'm schooling him in the Baker football pool.

    I'll be sure to raise a liter or two in your honor at Oktoberfest this weekend and with any luck, will be able to send some positive vibes your way for a speedy delivery!! Maybe they'll take it easy on you once they're out and start sleeping through the night within the first two weeks. :)
