Monday, January 2, 2012

Berthiaumes Return to Golden Gate Bridge

35 years after their Uncle Dave-O made his first visit to the Golden Gate Bridge...
Brett and Maggie made their maiden visit...

Both Brett and Maggie made frequent requests to "climb all the way to the top." Mags also remarked on how the Golden Gate Bridge was "gleaming in the sun"... a line from one of her favorite books


  1. There's a gleam, Maggie, there's a gleam...

  2. Quit confusing my daughter w/ your nonsensical gibberish Marty, lest she fumble her teddy bear over the side of the bridge.

  3. The gleam to which I refer is the one that emanates from the UFL Championship trophy. Much rarer, and therefore more prestigious, than the Lombardi Trophy.
