Sunday, February 13, 2011


Brett and Maggie both go to bed at the same time every night, and they nap together during the day. They are generally good at falling right asleep, but one usually wakes up before the other. Because we don't want to disturb the sleeping kid by going in their room, the awake one has to hang out in their bedroom until the other one wakes up. Brett and Maggie are very good at entertaining themselves in their crib by doing such activities as reading books, talking to themselves, playing with pacifiers, banging pacifiers and cups against the crib, playing with their blanket or stuffed animals, and, the most entertaining to watch on the video monitor, throwing the contents of their cribs overboard. That is, it was the most entertaining to watch until yesterday.

You see, Bretty learned a new trick yesterday. He learned how to take off his shirt. We couldn't keep one on him all morning. He wore a shirt when he went down for his nap, and Daddy zipped him up in his sleep sack just like always. Brett woke up before Maggie, and, upon hearing he was awake, I looked at the video monitor. After drinking some water and sitting still for a minute, Bretty started trying to take off his shirt underneath his sleep sack. Here is a picture of him proud of what he was able to achieve.

I predict more short-sleeved and button-down shirts in Brett's future -- I don't think he can get those off yet.


  1. Could Chippendale's be in the future? Just kidding!

    A. Donna

  2. No, really, I think Chippendale's is definitely a future option! No kidding!
