Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Scary Christmas To All!

Last week we took Brett & Mags to see Santa Claus and let's just say they were none too thrilled with the experience. The photo below speaks for itself and it's also fun to see just how much they've grown since their very first visit with Santa in Phoenix last year.

A quick note on the Santa you see below. He's a bit of a celebrity. He was recently fired from his job at Macy's in Union Square for telling a (debatably) innapropriate joke. But like a Christmas miracle, a local bar stepped up and re-hired Santa for double his original salary. The story earned national attention and even landed Santa a guest spot on Jay Leno. For the record, we (like most San Franciscans) totally sided with Santa on this one and were happy to pay him a visit... even if the twins weren't.


  1. I am cracking up laughing! I can't wait to laugh with them when they are grown-ups!

  2. Although the twins aren't enjoying the experience, Santa sure seems delighted. Is he paid in bourbon? He seems oblivious to their plight!

    U. Tom
