Monday, July 12, 2010

Maggie Mermaid & The Lobster Man

This weekend we took a trip down to Orange County to see Grandma & Grandpa. The highlight of the trip was the twins' first ever dip in the pool. And they LOVED it. Brett giggled, smiled, kicked his legs and splashed Mommy and Daddy every chance he got. Maggie also did a little splashing but took things a bit more seriously - seeing it as an opportunity to work on her backstroke. She's a very good swimmer.

Click on the album below to see the photos, including a couple bonus photos with Grandma & Grandpa and some shots of their post-swim bath.


  1. i love the name Brettito! is his sister Magdalita?

  2. These guys are such cuties. I'm honored to be kin. I love that everyone is having such fun with them and that we'll see them in the flesh on the east coast in October.
    Love to all,
    A Donna
