Sunday, January 31, 2010

Friday, January 29, 2010

We're Terrible Bloggers

There's really no valid excuse. I was trying to post a video, then realized my computer was too old and I couldn't. But I got a new computer, so that excuse is gone. The memory card on the camera is full so I can't take new pictures, but I know we have several memory cards lying around somewhere, so that one's out the window, too.
So here are a few pictures from before the camera got full. Regular postings will resume shortly. Here we've got the first outing in the side-by-side stroller, both babies looking at Hula Monkey, and Brett sitting on Daddy's lap in one of his favorite positions (how does he support his heavy giant head like that?).

Monday, January 18, 2010

The Devil Wears Swaddle

(Everyone knows that all the funny sayings come from Dan, right?)

Rough night last night. The babies have been sleeping through the night for several weeks now, but for some reason they both decided to be awake from around 3ish until after 5 am. Dan got them both back to sleep in the bassinet in the living room and then slept on the couch to watch over them to let me get some sleep.

They feel horrible about giving Daddy such a hard time, and are trying to decide on a nice little gift to give him as an apology. Maybe some rocks glasses to go with the bar he's building for the living room. Is that an appropriate gift for children to give their father? Suggestions welcome.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Dan Circa 1973

The mustache and hairstyle scared Brett to the point of hysterics.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Using My New Christmas Present

Erin Claus brought me a new camera for Christmas. I've probably used it to take 200 pictures so far, of nothing other than the twins. Poor Lola. She must feel like an aging super-model whose agent never calls anymore.

Anyway, here are a few early photos:

Look! Maggie has hair!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Fist-Eaters

Everyone's new favorite activity.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Nap Strike 2010

The babies are spitting out their pacifiers and half-wearing their swaddles in protest. Hopefully the union reps and management will reach an accord soon.